ICMA is one of the few trade associations globally that includes both buy-side and sell-side representation. ICMA’s buy-side members include asset managers, institutional investors, private banks, pension funds and insurance companies, among others.
In addition to buy-side members being engaged across the work and committees of the association, ICMA has a dedicated Asset Management and Investors Council (AMIC) which was established in 2008 to represent the views of and add value to its buy-side members by discussing investment issues of common interest, reaching a consensus and recommending any action that ICMA should take. The AMIC, among its activities, organises virtual events, quarterly Executive Committee meetings and manages subcommittees/working groups.

The AMIC Executive Committee comprises of co-opted members of AMIC, and the chairs of the permanent working groups. It meets quarterly to discuss regulatory and market topics of interest to the buyside. The AMIC Secretariat manages several working groups. The AMIC exclusively invites buy-side only members to its various sub-committees/working groups.

AMIC Council and Committees

AMIC Publications

Regulatory Issues

A newsletter update is sent periodically to asset management contacts, sign up to the mailing list by ticking the asset management box (ICMA members only).

AMIC Archive

ICMA Asset Management & Investors Council Podcast: Monthly Market Update



Email the ICMA AMIC secretariat

Irene Rey
Associate Director, Market Practice and Regulatory Policy
Direct line: +44 20 7213 0312

ICMA Zurich
T: +41 44 363 4222
Dreikönigstrasse 8
8002 Zurich

ICMA London
T: +44 20 7213 0310
110 Cannon Street
London EC4N 6EU
ICMA Paris
T: +33 1 8375 6613
25 rue du Quatre Septembre
75002 Paris

ICMA Brussels
T: +32 2 801 13 88
Avenue des Arts 56
1000 Brussels
ICMA Hong Kong
T: +852 2531 6592
Unit 3603, Tower 2
Lippo Centre
89 Queensway, Admiralty
Hong Kong
info@icmagroup.org (general enquiries)
education@icmagroup.org (education enquiries)
sustainabilitybonds@icmagroup.org (sustainable finance)
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