The ICMA Asset Management and Investors Council (AMIC) has responded to consultations and produced a briefing note on the ESAs final recommendations on SFDR RTS.
It has also set up the AMIC Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) Task Force with the aim to:
-engage with regulators/standard setting bodies on the finalisation of SFDR implementation measures
-establish a forum to discuss SFDR implementation with other market participants
-produce an SFDR implementation guide
For more information, please contact the Secretariat of the Asset Management & Investors Council (AMIC): amic@icmagroup.org or ICMA’s legal & regulatory helpdesk: regulatoryhelpdesk@icmagroup.org
Responses and papers
12 May 2021
ICMA AMIC response to ESAs consultation on taxonomy disclosure for financial products
22 February 2021
ICMA note following publication of ESAs' final recommendations for the regulatory technical standards (RTS) of the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR)
4 December 2020
ICMA AMIC responds to ESMA's public consultation on Article 8 of the Taxonomy regulation
16 October 2020
ICMA AMIC response to ESA's survey on templates for Environmental and/or Social financial products under SFDR
1 September 2020
ICMA AMIC response to ESAs' consultation on the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation