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06 Dec 2024
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Date: 6 December 2024
Venue: London


The ICMA Secondary Market Forum has established itself as one of the must-attend events in the annual calendar for participants active in the European bond markets. Primarily focused on sovereign, SSA, and credit markets, the Forum is an opportunity for buy sides and sell sides, as well as trading venues, data providers, and trading solutions, to come together for a day of learning, sharing, and networking with industry peers, clients, and counterparts.

This year the themes will be focused on how technology, innovation, and regulation are evolving the fixed income trading landscape, as well as how bond markets are responding to shifts in the macro-economic and geopolitical tectonic plates.

ICMA is pleased to confirm that this year’s Secondary Market Forum will be hosted by Bank of America in London.

More details on the agenda and line-up of market-leading speakers will be released soon.

If you have any questions, please contact ICMA events.

08:30   Registration
09:00   Opening remarks
Bryan Pascoe, Chief Executive, ICMA
09:10   Keynote address
Daniel Murray, CEO, EFG Asset Management Switzerland
09:25   Panel discussion: Long-term investing in uncertain economic, financial and geopolitical environments
Moderator: Massimiliano Castelli, Head of Strategy, Global Sovereign Markets, UBS AM and AMIC Co-Chair
  • Roman Baumann, Head of Asset Management, Swiss National Bank
  • Sophie Chardon, Head of Sustainable Investment, Lombard Odier
  • Christian Kopf, Head of Fixed Income and FX, Union Investment
  • Charlotte Mueller, European Chief Economist, Swiss Re
  • Robert Parker, Senior Advisor, ICMA
10:20   Coffee break
11:00   Fireside chat
Malie Conway, Head of Global Clients and Growth Markets, Allianz Global Investors
Nicolette Moser, Senior Director, Market Practice & Regulatory Policy, ICMA
11:20   Panel discussion: How do we support long-term investment from a regulatory perspective?
Moderator: Stéphane Janin, Head of Global Regulatory Developments and Public Affairs, AXA Investment Managers and AMIC Co-Chair
  • Dr Sabine Dittrich, Head, EU Financial Regulation, Slaughter and May
  • Cora Gibbons Moore, Head of Product Development & Management, APAC and EMEA, Credit Suisse Asset Management
  • Sébastien Renaud, Regulatory Change Lead, Pictet Asset Management
12:15   Closing remarks
Jerome Jean Haegeli, Group Chief Economist, Swiss Re
12:20   Networking lunch
13:30   Event close


Overview of the latest developments in the sustainable bond markets: an ICMA and BofA Securities training workshop (by invitation only)
Organised by: ICMA and BofA Securities
Time: 08:30 - 16:30 SGT, Tuesday, June 27
Venue: The Westin Singapore

ICMA and BofA Securities will hold a one-day training workshop aimed at regulators, issuers, investors and other market participants from the APAC region on June 27 at the Westin Singapore. The workshop will cover a comprehensive range of topics including: an overview of the Principles, financing themes such as climate transition, blue and biodiversity, overview of the EU/ASEAN taxonomies, an update on external reviews, disclosures and reporting as well as a case study on sustainability-linked bond issuance. Presenters will include representatives from ICMA, IFC, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan, BofA Securities, RAM Sustainability and Dentons Hong Kong.
Roundtable on Singapore GFIT Taxonomy (invitation only)
Organised by ICMA
Time: 10:00-11:30 SGT, Tuesday, 27 June 2023
Venue: Singapore
Roundtable on global and Asian transition finance (invitation only)
Organised by ICMA
Time: 15:30-17:00 SGT, Tuesday, 27 June 2023
Venue: Singapore


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