The ICMA ERCC Committee is elected annually by the member firms of the ICMA ERCC. The election is done through electronic voting.
27 candidates have been nominated to stand in the 2025 ERCC elections. They will compete to fill the 20 seats on the new ERCC Committee.
In accordance with paragraph 1011.4 of ICMA’s rules and recommendations, each member firm of the ERCC has one vote in the election. Ahead of the opening of the vote (see timeline below), the Named Repo Contact of each ERCC member firm was sent voting instructions for the 2025 ICMA ERCC elections.
Election timeline:
- Thursday, 23 January: Voting instructions were circulated to the Named Repo Contacts of all ERCC member firms and electronic voting was opened. From this date, ERCC member firms have two weeks to submit their vote to the ERCC Secretariat.
- Thursday, 6 February, 1:00 pm (London time): The voting will close. Only valid votes received by the deadline will be taken into account.
- Once the voting period has closed, the ERCC Secretariat will count the votes and announce the results to ERCC members. The results will also be published on the ICMA website. In the event of a tie, the ERCC Secretariat will run a second vote – in that case ERCC members will have one additional week to submit a second vote to the ERCC Secretariat.
For any further information on the election please contact us at