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29 Oct 2024
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Date: 29 October 2024
Time: 12:00 - 14:00 CET
Venue: Helaba, MAIN TOWER, Neue Mainzer Straße 52-58, 60311 Frankfurt am Main

Hosted by


ICMA’s Chief Executive, Bryan Pascoe, will open the event with an update on the latest priorities and activities.  In addition, Joachim Heppe, Chair and Petra Wehlert, Vice Chair of the ICMA German Region, will address key regional market developments. This event will also be an opportunity to introduce Ralph Ockert, Head of Syndicate at DZ Bank who will take on the Chair position from the 1st of November, in light of Mr. Heppe’s retirement.

Finally, long-time weather presenter Tim Frühling will take us behind the scenes of the ARD Weather Competence Center at Hessischer Rundfunk. From Frankfurt, the department supplies ARD and many regional third-party television programs with weather forecasts, graphics and expert assessments of storms, disasters and climate change. He reveals why the weather forecast on television and radio is sometimes more than casual chat about sun and clouds, how a forecast is created from the raw data - and why the word "beautiful" is taboo.


Bryan Pascoe (ICMA Chief Executive) gibt anfangs einen Überblick über die letzten Entwicklungen und Aktivitäten der ICMA. Anschließend berichten Joachim Heppe (Deutschland Chair) und Petra Wehlert (Deutschland Co-Chair) von aktuellen Marktentwicklungen aus dem Regionalkomitee. Außerdem stellen sie Ralph Ockert (DZ Bank - Head of Syndicate) als neuen Deutschland Chair vor. Er übernimmt dieses Amt am 1. November 2024 vom langjährigen Deutschland Chair Joachim Heppe, der in Ruhestand geht.

Der langjährige Wettermoderator Tim Frühling nimmt uns mit hinter die Kulissen des ARD-Wetterkompetenzzentrums beim Hessischen Rundfunk. Die Abteilung versorgt von Frankfurt aus die ARD und viele regionale dritte Fernsehprogramme mit Wettervorhersagen, Grafiken und fachmännischen Einschätzungen bei Unwettern, Katastrophen und zum Klimawandel. Er verrät, warum die Wettervorhersage im Fernsehen und im Radio manchmal mehr ist als lockeres Geplauder über Sonne und Wolken, wie aus den Rohdaten eine Vorhersage entsteht – und warum das Wort „schön“ dabei tabu ist.


Please note this event will take place mostly in German.

Admission: This event is open to ICMA German members only and is free to attend. Registration will close at 4pm CET on 28 October 2024. Register now.

If you have any questions, please contact ICMA events.

12:00   Registration
  Opening remarks
Bryan Pascoe, Chief Executive, ICMA
Oliver Hückel, Head of Securities Trading, Helaba
12:15   Update on the ICMA German region
Joachim Heppe, MD Bond Origination - Nordic & Dutch Banks, Commerzbank Aktiengesellschaft and Chair of the ICMA German region
Petra Wehlert, Head of Capital Markets, KfW
12:30   Networking lunch
13:00   Keynote presentation - Warum das Wetter in der Vorhersage nie schön ist
Tim Frühling
13:30   Dessert and coffee
14:00   Event close


Overview of the latest developments in the sustainable bond markets: an ICMA and BofA Securities training workshop (by invitation only)
Organised by: ICMA and BofA Securities
Time: 08:30 - 16:30 SGT, Tuesday, June 27
Venue: The Westin Singapore

ICMA and BofA Securities will hold a one-day training workshop aimed at regulators, issuers, investors and other market participants from the APAC region on June 27 at the Westin Singapore. The workshop will cover a comprehensive range of topics including: an overview of the Principles, financing themes such as climate transition, blue and biodiversity, overview of the EU/ASEAN taxonomies, an update on external reviews, disclosures and reporting as well as a case study on sustainability-linked bond issuance. Presenters will include representatives from ICMA, IFC, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan, BofA Securities, RAM Sustainability and Dentons Hong Kong.
Roundtable on Singapore GFIT Taxonomy (invitation only)
Organised by ICMA
Time: 10:00-11:30 SGT, Tuesday, 27 June 2023
Venue: Singapore
Roundtable on global and Asian transition finance (invitation only)
Organised by ICMA
Time: 15:30-17:00 SGT, Tuesday, 27 June 2023
Venue: Singapore


Dynamics and developments in the international sustainable bond markets – Implications for the MENA region
Capital Club, DIFC, Dubai, 8 December 2021

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