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Add to calendar 19 Mar 2025
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Overview 概览
Agenda 议程
Sponsors and Supporting Partners 赞助商及协助伙伴
Register 报名

Date: 19 March 2025 
Time: 08:20 - 18:00 CST



China World Summit Wing Beijing, Level 3, Summit Ballroom, No.1 Jianguomenwai Avenue, Beijing 100004, China 






2024年,我们在北京成功举办了 ICMA中国债券市场论坛吸引了近 400 名来自资本市场和可持续金融市场的与会者参加,其中包括活跃于跨境债券市场的高管、顾问、银行、投资者、市场基础设施提供商、律师、专家学者以及记者。我们期待2025年ICMA中国债务资本市场年度会议能够再次汇聚政府官员、监管机构、发行人、投资者及其他市场参与者,为大家提供一个探讨中国债券市场发展的平台。


在北京举行的 2025 ICMA中国债务资本市场年度会议上与国际资本市场见面。


The ICMA China Debt Capital Market Annual Forum returns to Beijing on 19 March 2025.

This is ICMA’s flagship event in China and brings together official sector representatives, issuers, investors, and other market participants for a full-day event examining the latest market and regulatory developments in the domestic Chinese and international bond markets.

The Forum will explore themes central to ICMA’s work, including issuance and trading trends across the broader Chinese bond market, update on the development of investment and risk management tools, the progress of Green and sustainable finance initiatives as well as innovations in Financial Technology. The full-day agenda will combine keynote speeches and panel discussions from leading market figures and esteemed experts representing the breadth of market stakeholders in the Chinese bond markets as well as offering local and international perspectives.

We look forward to building on the success of 2024 ICMA China Bond Market Forum in Beijing, which attracted nearly 400 local and international market participants, including managing directors, consultants, bankers, investors, market infrastructure providers and lawyers active in the cross-border bond markets along with academics and journalists.

The event will be conducted in English and Chinese with simultaneous translation.

Meet the international capital market in Beijing at the 2025 ICMA China Debt Capital Market Annual Forum.




Sponsorship and speaking opportunities

目前开放多种赞助和参展机会。请联系 肖雯琦,预定您的参展机会。

There are a number of sponsorship and exhibition opportunities available. Please contact Luke Byrne and Vincci Xiao to reserve your space today. 

如需咨询发言事宜,请联系 肖雯琦

For speaking enquiries, please contact Vincci Xiao.






08:20 Registration
09:30 Welcome remarks
Bryan Pascoe, Chief Executive, International Capital Market Association
Bryan Pascoe,国际资本市场协会首席执行官
09:40 Keynote speech
Speaker to be announced
09:55 Keynote speech: Growth Unleashed - UK-China Financial Cooperation for Shared Prosperity
主题演讲:释放增长潜力,英中金融合作 走向共同繁荣
Alderman Alastair King, Lord Mayor of London
Alderman Alastair King,英国伦敦金融城市长
10:10 Keynote speech
Speaker to be announced
10:25 Keynote speech
Speaker to be announced
10:40 Keynote speech
Speaker to be announced
10:55 Coffee break
11:15 Keynote speech
Speaker to be announced
11:25 Panel 1: Navigating the future: China’s fixed income market in a shifting global economy
  • Sabino Fornies, Head Financial Section, EU Delegation Beijing
    Sabino Fornies,欧盟驻北京代表团金融服务参赞

    Other speakers to be announced
12:10 Keynote speech: New Opportunities for Offshore RMB Fixed Income Market
主题演讲: 境外人民币固定收益市场新机遇
Eric Yip, Executive Director, Intermediaries, Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong
12:25 Lunch break
13:25 Panel 2: China's fixed income internationalisation: bridging China and the world
  • Christine Zhang, Managing Director, Sovereign Rating & Overseas Business, China Chengxin International Credit Rating
  • Kennis Wong, Managing Director, Head of Greater China Debt Capital Markets, MUFG Securities Asia
    Kennis Wong,三菱日联证券亚洲董事总经理及大中华区债券资本市场负责人
  • Tim Yip, Head of Debt Capital Markets, HSBC Bank (China)
14:10 Panel 3: Taming China’s green ambitions: market integrity and harmonisation of standards
Ada Dai, Chief Executive Officer, Lianhe Green Development 
  • Gabriel Wilson-Otto, Head of Sustainable Investing Strategy, Fidelity International
    Gabriel Wilson-Otto,富达国际可持续投资业务策略主管
  • Hideki Takada, ex-FSA, Director, GX (Green Transformation) Acceleration Agency
    Hideki Takada, 日本政府绿色转型协调机构总监
  • Junhao Yang, CEO of CCXGFI, Vice President of CCXAP
  • Yao Wang, Director General of the International Institute of Green Finance at Central University of Finance and Economics (IIGF) 
14:55 Keynote speech
Kenneth Hui, Executive Director (External), Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA)
15:10 Panel 4: Spotlight on primary: market practice and regulatory developments
  • Guiping Lu. Partner, Mayer Brown Hong Kong LLP
    芦贵平, 美博香港律师事务所合伙人
  • Lei Wang, Principal Treasury Specialist, Asian Development Bank
    Lei Wang, 亚洲开发银行首席财务专家
  • Terry Gao, CEO, Lianhe Ratings Global Limited 

    Other speakers to be announced
15:55 Coffee break
16:15 Panel 5: Investment opportunities in China’s Capital Market
Mushtaq Kapasi, Managing Director, Chief Representative, Asia-Pacific, International Capital Market Association
Mushtaq Kapasi, 国际资本市场协会董事总经理及亚太区首席代表
  • Domenico Nardelli, Treasurer, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB)
    Domenico Nardelli,亚洲基础设施投资银行司库长
  • Eric Wei, Chief Representative of the Singapore Exchange’s (SGX Group) Beijing Representative Office
  • James Sun, Managing Director, Head of Asia, Tradeweb
  • Zhihui , Chief Manager, Fixed Income Trading Division, Financial Markets Department, China Construction
    Bank Corporation
17:00 Keynote speech
Speaker to be announced
17:15 Panel 6: From gap to gateway: assessing the impact of digitalisation and AI in China’s capital markets
Rocky Tung, Director & Head of Policy Research, Financial Services Development Council
  • Andrew Fei, Partner, King & Wood Mallesons
  • ffin Xin, EY Greater China Financial Services and Asia-Pacific FinTech and Innovation Financial Services Managing Partner
    忻怡,安永大中华区金融服务首席合伙人 安永亚太区金融科技与创新首席合伙人
  • Norman Chia, Global Head of Product, Connected Markets and Sustainable Finance, LSEG

    Other speakers to be announced
17:55 Closing remarks
Bryan Pascoe, Chief Executive, International Capital Market Association
Bryan Pascoe,国际资本市场协会首席执行官
18:00 Event close

Platinum Sponsors


Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. (MUFG) is one of the world’s leading financial groups. Headquartered in Tokyo and with over 360 years of history, MUFG has a global network with approximately 2,000 locations in more than 40 markets. The Group has about 140,000 employees and offers services including commercial banking, trust banking, securities, credit cards, consumer finance, asset management, and leasing.

The Group aims to “be the world’s most trusted financial group” through close collaboration among our operating companies and flexibly respond to all of the financial needs of our customers, serving society, and fostering shared and sustainable growth for a better world. MUFG’s shares trade on the Tokyo, Nagoya, and New York stock exchanges. MUFG Bank, Ltd. is Japan’s premier bank, with a global network spanning more than 40 markets. Outside of Japan, the bank offers an extensive scope of commercial and investment banking products and services to businesses, governments and individuals worldwide.

In Asia Pacific, MUFG has a presence across 18 markets – Australia, Bangladesh, China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, India, South Korea, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, New Zealand, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam. It has also formed strategic partnerships with some of the most prominent banks in South-east Asia, further augmenting its unrivalled network across the region – VietinBank in Vietnam, Krungsri in Thailand, Security Bank in the Philippines and Bank Danamon in Indonesia.

Gold Sponsors


As one of the leading institutions in China's green finance market, China Chengxin Green Finance International (CCXGFI) adheres to the culture of research-based and innovative development of China Chengxin Group. CCXGFI takes innovative research and product service development as a long-term key development strategy, and provides green bond assessment, green banking system construction, green financing comprehensive service platform, ESG reporting and rating, and environmental information disclosure for Hong Kong regulators, enterprises, and financial institutions. CCXGFI has a complete green bond database, ESG database of listed companies and bond-issuing enterprises, and is a market leader in regional green finance system construction services, green banking services, green bond assessment, ESG services, and other areas.

HSBC provides financial services and products to corporates, governments and financial institutions.

We offer a full range of banking services to support clients and continue to invest in digital capabilities to serve them effectively.

High-quality relationships are at the heart of what we do. As the pace of change increases across the world, we help our clients maintain a competitive edge over the long term and make the most of commercial opportunities in both developing and developed markets. Underpinning this is our commitment to ensuring we have the highest conduct and compliance standards in our industry.

Silver Sponsors


Lianhe Green Development Company Limited ("Lianhe Green"), as a new force in the field of green and sustainable finance, was established in January 2023 and is headquartered in Hong Kong. The company is jointly funded and established by Lianhe Credit Management Co., Ltd. ("Lianhe Credit") and Lianhe Equator Environmental Assessment Co., Ltd. ("Lianhe Equator"). Since 2023, Lianhe Green has become an external review agency recognized by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority's "Green and Sustainable Finance Funding Scheme".



Lianhe Ratings Global Limited (Lianhe Global) was established in September 2017 as a wholly-owned subsidiary of China Lianhe Credit Ratings Co., Ltd (Lianhe Credit), and was approved by the Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong in July 2018 to No. 10 license to conduct credit rating business. Since its establishment, Lianhe Global has been committed to providing independent, objective and impartial credit ratings services to investors and financial product issuers worldwide.


The London Stock Exchange Group (LSEG) a leading global financial infrastructure and data provider, providing a wide range of financial services, including trading, clearing, and data solutions. Our businesses include Data & Analytics, FTSE Russell, Risk Intelligence, London Stock Exchange and others, offering comprehensive market data, analytics, and post-trade services. LSEG supports global companies and investors with innovative solutions to enhance market efficiency and transparency.


Mayer Brown is a leading international law firm with a diverse team of 1500 lawyers worldwide in 22 offices across Americas, Asia, Europe and the Middle East. It is one of the few international law firms with an office in each of the world’s three largest financial centers - New York, London and Hong Kong. Mayer Brown’s Hong Kong office serves as a key hub for the firm’s clients across the Asia-Pacific region and beyond. Its Hong Kong team is well-equipped to deliver comprehensive legal solutions particularly in the areas of capital markets, mergers & acquisitions, banking & finance, TMT & IP transactions, projects and infrastructure, insurance and energy. 

萃达万博 ( 纳斯达克股票代码:TW) 是一家全球领先的利率、信用债、权益和货币市场的电子交易市场运营商。我们成立于1996年,为机构、批发、零售和企业市场的客户提供50多种产品的市场进入、数据和分析、电子交易、直通式处理和报告出具服务。我们开发的先进技术增强了价格发现、订单执行和交易工作流程,同时允许扩大规模并帮助减少客户交易操作的风险。我们为超过70个国家的约2,800名客户提供服务。在过去四个季度中,我们平均每天促成名义价值超过2.2万亿美元的交易。

Tradeweb Markets Inc. (Nasdaq: TW) is a leading, global operator of electronic marketplaces for rates, credit, equities and money markets. Founded in 1996, Tradeweb provides access to markets, data and analytics, electronic trading, straight-through-processing and reporting for more than 50 products to clients in the institutional, wholesale, retail and corporates markets. Advanced technologies developed by Tradeweb enhance price discovery, order execution and trade workflows while allowing for greater scale and helping to reduce risks in client trading operations. Tradeweb serves more than 2,800 clients in more than 70 countries. On average, Tradeweb facilitated more than $2.2 trillion in notional value traded per day over the past four fiscal quarters. 


The corporate financial consultant certification system(CFC)is a training and certification knowledge system designed for employees who rely on various financial institutions or approved independent financial advisory service institutions to provide investment, financing and financial planning consulting services for enterprises with their own professional knowledge and skills. It was created by the International Capital Market Association (ICMA), a globally authoritative capital market institution, and the University of Reading (ICMA Center of Henley Business School) in the UK. In January 2025, it was included in the policy outcomes of the UK-China Economic and Financial Dialogue.

Media Partners


Supporting Partners



For ICMA Members: Free to attend

For Non-Members: 

Early Bird Price until 1 March 2025: RMB3,000;   

Standard Price from 1 March 2025 onwards: RMB3,500








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Terms and Conditions

I understand that my reservation for the above conference shall be accepted and confirmed if ICMA sends me a respective confirmation in writing within 3 business days from receipt of my registration. I also understand that if ICMA does not send me such confirmation within the specified period my reservation could not be considered.

I agree that ICMA shall have the right to cancel conferences at its own discretion for any reason (including e.g. if a sufficient minimum number of participants is not reached before the start date of the relevant conference). In the event of such cancellation, I agree that ICMA shall not be liable for any expenses incurred by me, my employer, or anyone else on my behalf, due to the cancellation.

Payment and cancellation conditions Written cancellation may entitle delegates to a full or partial refund in accordance with the deadlines shown below:
Deadline for receipt of written cancellation by ICMA’s secretariat Refund
6 weeks prior to event start date 100%
5 weeks prior to event start date 50%
4 weeks prior to event start date 20%
3 weeks prior to event start date No refund

In case I want to cancel my reservation for this conference I shall notify ICMA (attention Events team) in writing without delay.

I understand that substitutions can be made subject to the condition that ICMA (attention Events team) is notified accordingly in writing and provided with the details of the substitute (see 1. above) not later than 48 hours before the relevant conference commences.

I agree that ICMA and its affiliate entities may retain the information supplied on this form on a database and use it for the purpose of course and event administration, and, IF I have ticked the relevant boxes above, to compile a delegate list (including my name and that of my employer) to be distributed at the event in hard copy or to other registered delegates in electronic form as well as for the purposes of advertising future courses and events and promoting ICMA.

I understand that the delegate list for this event will be for personal information only, for the purpose of networking at the event, and must not be shared, for example on social media.

Delegates should be aware that a photographer and/or videographer may be on site throughout the event. The photographs and videos taken at this event may be used in future promotional materials.

We will contact you within the next few days to confirm your place at this event.

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